This month, we explore:

  • The post-1945 neocolonial histories of the UN Security Council’s permanent members
  • Why to impose limitations on political ads on social media


In A Brief Neocolonial History of the Five UN Security Council Permanent Members, journalist John P. Ruehl examines the neocolonial histories of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (Russia, France, the UK, the US, and China) since 1945. The article explores how these nations have used military force, economic control, and geopolitical strategies to maintain influence, often justifying their actions through historical, cultural, and security rationales.

John P. Ruehl is a contributing editor to Strategic Policy and a contributor to several other foreign affairs publications.


It’s time for the US Congress to restrict political ads on social media platforms, argues cybersecurity expert Alexa Raad. While legitimate reasons exist against banning or restricting political ads on social media, the negative impacts, including amplified disinformation and division, now outweigh the benefits. With the upcoming election cycle, advancements in AI and deepfake technology pose additional risks, making society more vulnerable.

Alexa Raad is a Qualified Risk Director, and a policy and cybersecurity expert with over 25 years of experience in internet and internet-related technologies.


